
It is one thing to read about stockmanship; it is quite another to see it. One of the strengths of an online journal is the capability for video streaming. The Journal, then, will augment articles on various aspects of stockmanship with educational digital videos and slide shows. These videos and slide shows will be produced by the editor and contributors. (See Digital Photographic and Video Submissions in Submissions.)

To view the videos and slide shows will require a browser that has a flash plug-in. People with a dial-up connection may have trouble viewing the videos and slide shows (e.g., they may experience significant buffer times).

What follows is a montage (in two parts to facilitate video streaming) of clips from a few videos and slide shows (minus the narration) to come in future issues. To some viewers the stockmanship they see will be elementary (and not without its flaws); to others it may be revolutionary. It is the former that the editor encourages to submit instructional or illustrative videos and slide shows to be considered for publication. In this way the level of discourse will be raised and the mission of the Journal furthered; that is, to educate its readers and promote the awareness and development of stockmanship.

The forthcoming videos and slide shows should be viewed with the understanding that—although certainly better than conventional approaches to stockmanship—they depict only one low-stress way out of several possibilities. There are certainly more and better ways to do any of what you will see. It is up to those who have a better way, or who have a higher skill level, to produce and submit videos and slide shows for the benefit of the Journal's readers (and for the ultimate benefit of our livestock).

The videos and slide shows will begin with Volume 1, Issue 2.